Thursday 7 December 2006

The light of your presence…

Sitting yesterday in a wonderfully quiet and peaceful evening prayer, as writ in Common Worship, I got to musing about stained glass windows.
Wikipedia says the following about stained glass:
‘Although usually set into windows, the purpose of stained glass is not to allow those within a building to see out or even primarily to admit light but rather to control it. For this reason stained glass windows have been described as 'illuminated wall decorations'.’
Looking up at the chapel’s east window, I could see very little of its colours and design because it was dark outside. When you are inside a church you need light outside to see the windows. But if you are outside in the dark, there needs to be light inside the church in order for you to see the windows.
A reminder that as tellers of the gospel we need to be both in the church and outside in the world.

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