Thursday 15 February 2007

Primus intra pares...

Generally I avoid the more sensitive subjects on this blog but I just have to write something about the Primates’ Conference, meeting at the moment, especially after discovering yesterday that Bishop Mouneer – a resident on this staircase last term – is there, having just been elected the Primate of Jerusalem and the Middle East. If there ever was a group of people in need of his example of humility, good humour, graciousness and gentleness they are in Dar es Salaam today. This morning in chapel we prayed in groups of four for the Conference – for Archbishop Rowan, for Mouneer, for all the Primates and for the worldwide Anglican Communion. For the blessing of God’s wisdom, discernment, grace and presence on them all – brothers and sister together in Christ. As we all are.
I don’t know how much of what seems to be going on is about politics, power and position. Some of it seems to be less about God and more about being the one who is best or right. But who is the One who is the best or right? The homily in chapel this morning – if it’s Thursday it must be Homilyday – was about Mark 8.27-37. And mainly about v34 – ‘If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.’
If the Primates cannot be the body of Christ, united in one Church, and act towards that end, the rest of us will have to show them how…

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